Why Christians Should Actively Oppose Globalism - Rev. Dr. Harold Ristau


Rev. Dr. Maj. (ret) Harold Ristau has written a timely essay explaining why Christians should actively oppose globalism.

Rev. Adrian Sherrill wrote the forward, reminding Christians of Pastor Ristau's faithful resistance to Canada's autocratic response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This book is available as a free digital download or as a Kindle / E-Book version, which can be purchased from Amazon here.

About the Author
Harold Ristau was born in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. He holds a BA and MA in Political Science and Economics, with specialties in Administrative Studies (University of Waterloo), an MDiv from Brock University and Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS)(one of Lutheran Church Canada’s two seminaries), and Ph.D. in Religious Studies (University McGill). He shepherded two multicultural congregations in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and worked closely with NGOs in advocating for the rights and interests of refugees. He also participated in various Christian missionary endeavours overseas.

He served 11 years in the Canadian military in various capacities as an army chaplain, including Special Forces, and as a director at the chaplain training system. He deployed to Afghanistan and the Middle East four times with the Canadian Infantry, Air Force, and NATO. He received a Chief of Defense Staff Commendation, one of the highest Canadian honours.

Ristau accepted a call to teach as a professor at CLTS and, for five years, oversaw the theological education of LCC’s missions in Latin America and the Caribbean. He continues to serve as an Adjunct Professor, even though he presently serves as Academic Dean at the Lutheran School of Theology in Kenya, Africa, with Lutherans in Africa.

Ristau is the author of several books, articles, and publications on a wide range of subjects, having recently published a book on Spiritual Warfare with the Care of Souls series (Lexham Press) and is currently writing a book on Demonism and the Ministry of Deliverance for Baker Books. He is married with five children and maintains a home in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada. Ristau is the pastoral advisor on the steering committee for Veterans For Freedom Canada (V4F) and is presently a litigant against the Trudeau government through the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedom (JCCF) regarding the misuse of Canada’s Emergency Act deployed against peaceful protesters during the 2023 Freedom Convoys in Ottawa, in which he participated. His case is earmarked to be presented to the Supreme Court later this year.