Ad Crucem Brand
The Family Bible Commentary by Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz
$ 22.00
The Family Bible Commentary authored by Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz. Ad Crucem is privileged to work with Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz to publish the Family Bible Commentary. Too many commentaries...
Without The Shedding of Blood by Prof. David P. Scaer
$ 13.00 $ 15.00
For over half a century, Rev. Dr. David P. Scaer has probed the organs of Lutheran doctrine and praxis as a master theological surgeon ready to excise malignant growths before...
Ad Crucem Condolence - Comfort, Comfort My People
$ 6.00
Through times of bereavement, the Christian still has the hope of the Resurrection. ÊThe inside of the card reflects Job's beautiful statement of faith "For I know that my Redeemer...
Ad Crucem Condolence - We Have this Hope
$ 6.00
For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will stand upon the earth. Includes: Original design exclusive to Ad Crucem. Cross-focused, Christ-centered scriptures that confess the...
Ad Crucem Wood Laser Cut Baptism Ornament
$ 21.00
Provide us with the name of the person being baptized and the date of baptism in note at checkout. Please note that this item may take up to 2 weeks...
Ad Crucem Confirmation - Hold to what you were taught
$ 6.00
God chose you to be saved. So stand firm and hold to what you have been taught. Includes: Original design exclusive to Ad Crucem. Cross-focused, Christ-centered scriptures that confess...
Ad Crucem Christmons - Your Choice of Ten Christmons
$ 70.00
White Acryllic Christmon available in different sizes. Extra large sizes and different materials are available upon request. Choose any 10 of the Christmon collection and let us know which ones you...
Ad Crucem Christmons - Your Choice of Five Christmons
$ 38.00
White Acryllic Christmon available in two different sizes, 3.5" 4.5" and 6" Extra large sizes and different materials are available upon request. Choose any 5 of the Christmon collection and let...
Ad Crucem Confirmation Ornament
$ 21.00
Please provide us with the name of the person being confirmed and the date of confirmation, the scripture verse for the confirmand, as well as the church name, city and...
Your Choice of 20 Christmons
$ 130.00
Be sure to let us know which ones you have chosen in the Note at checkout. Please be sure to have your email and phone number in case we need...
Ad Crucem Church Year Calendar Poster - Violet Advent -Multi Year
$ 18.00
Ad Crucem's Church Year Calendar provides a useful summary of the cycle of the church year, including important festivals for the Christian faith. This is a multi-year calendar that works for all...
Ad Crucem Baptized into Christ
$ 6.00
This Baptism card includes six important scriptures regarding baptism, and what God accomplishes for us when we are baptized. Child of God, remember your baptism each day. The Six Scriptures are:-...
The Narrow Way Simply Shown (Second Edition)
The Narrow Way, published by Ad Crucem Books last year, has proved incredibly popular, with many thousands of downloads of the free version and almost one thousand purchases of the...
Ad Crucem Blank Luther Rose Card
$ 6.00
This card reflects Martin Luther's seal. The back of the card explains in Luther's own words why he designed as he did, and what each aspect of the seal represents:...
Why Christians Should Actively Oppose Globalism - Rev. Dr. Harold Ristau
Rev. Dr. Maj. (ret) Harold Ristau has written a timely essay explaining why Christians should actively oppose globalism. Rev. Adrian Sherrill wrote the forward, reminding Christians of Pastor Ristau's faithful...
#6 Ad Crucem Christmon - Nativity of our Lord
$ 9.00
White Acrylic Christmon Extra large sizes and different materials are available upon request. And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by...
Ad Crucem Baptism Dove and Shell
$ 6.00
A card that proclaims the truth of Baptism - Word and Water are a sacrament to wash away our sins! This card is a keepsake that will remind the recipient...
Ad Crucem Pastor Card - Sir, we wish to see Jesus
$ 6.00
A wonderfully versatile card that can be used either for an ordination, pastor appreciation or pastoral installation. Scriptures referenced are John 12:21, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 4:2, and Ephesians 2:10. Includes:...
Ad Crucem Martin Luther Morning and Evening Prayer Poster
$ 20.00
Beautiful images from the 1800s that has been repurposed into a stunning poster featuring Martin Luther's Morning and Evening Prayers. This poster makes a lovely gift for a child, church, pastor...
Ad Crucem Confirmation - Knowledge of the Lord
$ 6.00
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. Includes: Original design exclusive to Ad...
Ad Crucem A Pewter Dove and Shell Baptism Keepsake
$ 15.00
Original Ad Crucem designed solid pewter ornament crafted in America. It features the Dove with Nimbus (symbolic of the Holy Spirit) holding a shell (the traditional symbol of Baptism) with...
Ad Crucem Christmas Card A Child Is Born to us!
$ 6.00
A card that proclaims the central truth of and reason for Christmas - a savior born into the world to atone for the sins of all who believe! Includes:...
Ad Crucem Happy Birthday!
$ 6.00
Includes: Original design exclusive to Ad Crucem. Cross-focused, Christ-centered scriptures that confess the one true faith. 5"x7" card printed on premium paper stock milled in upstate New York. Printed in...
Ad Crucem Thank You!
$ 6.00
Includes: Original design exclusive to Ad Crucem. Cross-focused, Christ-centered scriptures that confess the one true faith. 5"x7" card printed on premium paper stock milled in upstate New York. Printed in...
#2 Ad Crucem Christmon - Baptism Shell
$ 9.00
White Acrylic Christmon Size: 3.5" "Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were buried therefore with...
Ad Crucem Marriage - Wedding Feast
$ 6.00
Includes: Original design exclusive to Ad Crucem. Cross-focused, Christ-centered scriptures that confess the one true faith. 5"x7" card printed on premium paper stock milled in upstate New York. Printed in...
Ad Crucem - The Christian Christmas Tree - Christmon Book
$ 29.00
Our customers have often requested a book about our Christmons, and it has finally been written and sent for printing! We decided to write it according to the themes of the...
Ad Crucem Get Well
$ 6.00
Includes: Original design exclusive to Ad Crucem. Cross-focused, Christ-centered scriptures that confess the one true faith. 5"x7" card printed on premium paper stock milled in upstate New York. Printed in...
Ad Crucem One Hundred Christmons - Complete Set
$ 450.00
Ad Crucem has updated our Christmons to remove the duplicated ornaments and added a whole lot of exciting new ornaments. White Acryllic Christmon available in different sizes. Ask about...
Ad Crucem Marriage - Joined Together
$ 6.00
Includes: Original design exclusive to Ad Crucem. Cross-focused, Christ-centered scriptures that confess the one true faith. 5"x7" card printed on premium paper stock milled in upstate New York. Printed in...