A Note from the Founders

The mission of Ad Crucem is to provide unique, high-quality products and services that confess the one true Christian faith. This faith is indivisible and indistinguishable from the identity of the orthodox Evangelical Lutheran Church.
That orthodoxy is defined by a quia subscription to the Lutheran Confessions in the Book of Concord (1580) because they are a faithful exposition of God's Word.
This past April marked the 6th anniversary of Ad Crucem. We were under no illusions when we started the business because the Confessional Lutheran market is shrinking, and there are no apparent reasons to expect a positive reversal. So be it.
Thanks to you, our customers, Ad Crucem has grown materially despite the persistent decline in the available market. Ad Crucem lacks formal support from the Confessional Synod institutions and leadership, and yet it has achieved thousands of sales and is on a sound financial footing with no debt. The product inventory has multiplied to hundreds of individual items since starting with just 27 types of greeting cards in 2014.
Ad Crucem will never relinquish the market for Lutheran Identity. We have no interest in mere "expression," and nor are we interested in laugh-track gimmickry and cheap knick-knacks. Ad Crucem's products must and will always preach Christ and Him crucified for the forgiveness of our sins. If our products are not, directly and indirectly, confessing the atoning sacrifice of Christ Jesus and our salvation by grace through faith, then we are failing.
The world doesn't need "expressions" of Lutheran identity. Instead, it needs Lutherans who can confess the eternal mercies of the Holy Trinity and the salvific power of Word and Sacrament Ministry. We hope that Ad Crucem, in its tiny corner, helps carry that confession to the four corners of the world.
Love in Christ,
The Woods
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