Assorted Greeting Cards

Agnus Dei - I Am the Vine - Set of 12 Cards

$ 24.00

Product Information

Set of 12 Cards with Envelopes
4 ¼ inches by 5 ½ inches
Cream card with colored ink
Easter, Sympathy, Any occasion

“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).  

Art Description

Vines adorn the frame of this painting, representing the intimate union the church shares with Christ through the Lord’s Supper. The branches twirl around the vine, bearing fruit, so that others may live and abide.

In the center is Jesus Christ, a golden cross super imposed over his body. Layers of crosses radiate from Him; His burial cloths quiver with light. Around His head shines the rising sun as He is being resurrected. Breath re-enters His body as He awakens inside of the tomb.

In traditional imagery, the resurrected Christ floats in midair above the tomb. He is wrapped in a cocoon of floating fabric, ready to burst forth in victory over death. These burial cloths encapsulate Christ as chrysalis.